Monday, October 9, 2017

Born Today October 9: J. A Berst



Studio executive J. A. Berst on this day in Paris, France.  Berst came to the United States to be a manager/executive of Pathé Exchange around the turn of the century.  He was vice president of two of the their large eastern studios: one located in Jersey City and one in Brook Bound.  He was the managing executive of these locations 1914, (there are sources that list him as being there until 1916, but a google search turns up a late 1913 edition of The Moving Picture World in which his resignation is announced).  He was also Pathé's representative in the infamous Motion Pictures Patents Co. He is said to have returned to France during or before World War I; but confusingly, the only film that he has (to date) a credit for was a solidly American production and dates from 1920.  The film is Women Men Forget.  Information about his life after this point vanishes.  There is not even a death date for (he presumably passed away in his native France).  

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