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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Spooktober 5: The Spiritualist Photographer (1903)


I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't feature a Méliès film in the first week of Spooktober, so I am going with one of his lesser known "trick films." One of literally hundreds that he made between the last five years of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twetith (many lost, as one can well imagine), Le Portrait Spirituel (or The Spiritualist Photographer) isn't so much a horror film, or even a fantasy picture, as it is a light hearted fancy that pokes fun of the spirit photography tradition that was an absolute craze in the late 1900's, but had waned by 1903. There is nothing derogatory in this little 2+ minute affair; rather it focuses more on Méliès' well honed editing talents. It's really more like a "magic" film (say, in like the David Copperfield tradition). But, it is fun and very atmospheric for this time of year. Besides, Méliés is credited with making the very first actual horror film, back in 1896.  Happy Halloween Season 🎃


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