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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Born Today September 27: Adolfo Aznar





Multi-talented Spanish film maker Adolfo Aznar was born Adolfo Aznar Fusac on this day in the Zaragoza, Aragón Spain.  Aznar started out in the arts as a sculpture and actually financed his first work in film by selling his sculpted works. He relocated to Madrid in the very late 1920's, and was not there long before he started work in film. While there, he made two silent films to start his motion picture career: Gloria (a feature) which he directed and Colorin, which he also wrote (adapting one of his own stories) and appeared in (his only film role), as well as directed. He did not make another film until 1933 when he began making films for children, and films with sound. Pupín y sus amigos (1933), also adapted from one of his own stories and directed by Aznar, also featured original music that he composed for the occasion. His project as a director came to a close in 1950 with El rey de Sierra Morena. Though he was actively done with the film making business after this, in 1965 some of his material was used as source material. Hotel der toten Gäste, a production of West Germany, was a sort of murder mystery with espionage overtones. Despite that his career began in 1928 and ended in 1950, Aznar only directed/crafted 14 films, and sadly most of them have been lost. He was a man who was not only a visual artist, but also a life long writer--that work does survive. Once he made the move to Madrid, he stayed there for the remainder of his life, passing away on the 15th of June at the age of 74. His burial is unknown.


[Source: Real Academia De La Historia]


Find A Grave entry 

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