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Monday, May 11, 2020

Born Today May 11: Salvador Dali


Surrealist artist Salvador Dali was born in Figueres, Spain on this day (full name:  Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí Domènech--probably the longest name on this blog to date! In 1982 King Juan Carlos bestowed the official title of Marquis of Dalí of Púbol).  The town is located in the semi-independent "country within a country" of Catalonia. Dalí was himself ethnically Catalan. Dalí was born into a family extremely  proud of their Catalan background. His father was was a well known Catalan Federalist and local lawyer. It was Dalí's mother that actually encouraged his interest in art at a young age.  For someone of such a stature in history, and a person who lived a long life, there is little use in doing more than providing a list of online sources for reading and, well, "gazing." So getting right to the reason why this superstar from the art world is on a blog about silent film, it because of his involvement in one of the most famous silent short films out there; namely: Buñuel's Un Chien Andalou (1929). Dalí not only appears in the film, he also wrote it with Buñuel (see the film below).  


Dali died in the town he was born in on the 23rd of January in 1989 at the age of 84. He is buried inside a special crypt that he designed himself, which located in the floor of the museum and theater that he also designed himself. 



The Dalí Foundation located at his hometown museum (read more about the history of the the museum Here)

Official Website By Dali Museum

The Dali located in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA (read about the history of the museum Here)

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